While many people would give everything to live in Florida, so many people are leaving Florida. You may ask yourself why? It’s always warm and sunny, it’s fun, it’s filled with exotic animals and it has beautiful beaches. Some say it’s a perfect place to live in.
It just doesn’t make sense that so many people are leaving Florida. But Florida has its pros and cons, of course. Lately, it seems like there are a lot of cons as a lot of people are leaving, right?
The pros of living in Florida
So, let’s start with listing the pros of living in Florida to make ourselves more confused by the topic of why people are leaving Florida. As we already mentioned, Florida is always sunny and warm, so unless you are allergic to the sun, you’ll be enjoying it all the time. Plus, Florida is rich in beaches! What’s better than warm weather and a beach? Well, there is no state income tax. You’ll just have federal taxes to worry about, which is great!
The state is cosmopolitan and it has a very mixed population, so you won’t ever feel like you don’t fit in. It’s a place where people accept everyone. Plus, the cost of living is low in some parts of the state and you can find really affordable houses that look amazing. But be careful if you are planning to buy a house and make sure you know some tricks and tips to get the best deal possible.

The cons of living in Florida
Warm weather in Florida is different from any other, especially in the summer months. It gets so humid that nothing helps. Even if you walked around carrying an air conditioner pointing directly at you, you would most certainly be sweating.
As there’s a lot of humidity, the weather can get messy sometimes. And by messy, I mean destructive hurricanes. You can defend yourself from many things but you can’t go against nature. If you have pets, it’s even worse for them. They can’t be prepared for a natural disaster the way you can be.
With humidity and warmth come the bugs. A lot of bugs. So, if you’re not a fan of them, don’t even think about going there. There are more things such as:
- bad public transport
- high crime rates in South Florida
- crazy drivers everywhere
- lack of historical landmarks
- too many tourists
Moving to Florida
If despite all the cons you decide to move to Florida, then go for it. We hope you like it there. Luckily, Florida is waiting for people with arms wide open. Before you even start to look for houses or apartments, make sure you have all the information you need about moving there. And if you don’t know where to get that information, there are quite a few cross-country moving experts in FL that you can contact.
Moving inside Florida
If you’re someone who is already living in Florida and enjoying it but you want to move, you’re in luck. Those who want to run away from Florida are selling their homes. And they are selling them at the lowest prices possible, as they want to move away as fast as possible.
It’s good for you that there are so many people leaving Florida, as you will have a lot of housing options. Plus, even if you hire the absolute Best Movers in Florida, it will not be expensive. Moving inside the state of Florida is really cheap, which is great news.

Thinking about leaving Florida?
Yes, there are many reasons to leave, but there are also many reasons to stay. If you find Florida too expensive, just move to a different part of Florida. Some parts of FL are cheaper than others. And if you can’t move right away, there are ways to lower your monthly house payment until you have enough money to move.
But if you find that Florida just isn’t for you, start looking for new homes somewhere else. And more importantly, put your home up for sale.
Selling your Florida home
As you have already read above, there are many people looking to buy houses whether it be cheap or not. But it’s recommended you offer the home at the lowest price possible (within reason, of course) so your home sells faster. If you prepare yourself right, you’ll be able to sell your house this spring already.
Having an open house is a good idea if you want to sell your home fast. But having an open house isn’t easy. There will be a lot of unknown people, aka buyers, and you want to leave a very good impression. If everything goes right, you could have a few different buyers offering to pay more so you sell them your house.

If you find that leaving Florida is the only option suitable for you, then we hope you are happy with your decision. And if you have decided to stay, we’re happy to hear that too. Do not forget that moving to a different part of Florida can make your stay even better.
Plus, you’ll be there when people from other states and countries arrive. Someone has to stay and make them feel welcome, and that job can’t be done by the tourists for sure. Maybe Florida finds a way to turn all its cons into pros and attracts more and more people instead of pushing them away.
All jokes aside, Florida is not for everyone but everyone is welcome in Florida.
Maybe you will decide that Savannah is the perfect place for you!