Disaster Preparedness Tips For Georgia Homeowners

Karin Carr, REALTOR®
Published on September 13, 2019

The majority of us harbor secret desires to one day possess stunning homes located along Georgia’s coast. Buyers who are successful in securing their ideal homes have been forced to continue to enjoy their stays there despite the advent of various natural disasters. Because Savannah, Georgia is located in an area that is prone to natural disasters such as tropical storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, it is essential to have a home protection plan as well as a family protection plan in order to ensure that both you and your property will be safe for many years into the future.

Please continue reading if you are a new homeowner with Georgia Coast Homes and want to learn some important preparedness tips that you should prioritize this season to protect your home and family.

Tips for Hurricane Disaster Preparedness

Homeowners in Savannah need to be aware that during certain periods of the year, they are at an increased risk of suffering severe damage as a result of a hurricane. It is essential to pay close attention to the updates provided by the National Hurricane Center regarding the likelihood of the occurrence of natural catastrophes such as hurricanes. These updates are provided on a regular basis.

Preparedness means the steps you take to ensure you can respond and recover from a ground shaking. Think of it as making savings in your survivability account for use in times of emergencies. The best way to prepare for a hurricane is to:

  • Check potential hazards in the home and perform repairs
  • Design a hurricane preparedness plan
  • Identify safety areas both indoors and outdoors
  • Accessibility of disaster supplies such as medicine, flashlight, first aid kit, emergency food, etc.
  • Create an emergency communication channel
Disaster Preparedness Tips For Georgia Homeowners

General Emergency Preparedness Tips for the Homeowner 

It does not matter if you are getting ready for a storm, a fire, a flood, or any other type of potential danger to your property; the following paragraphs provide a few essential preparedness reminders that you do not want to overlook.

Take inventory of personal property: You will be able to acquire insurance coverage that is adequate for all of your precious possessions if you do an inventory of your personal property. This is one of the advantages of doing an inventory. Because it speeds up the claim process, the property inventory is one of the most important documents you will need following the disaster.

Prepare the Home: Prepping the home is an effective way of ensuring you avoid the most damage to your valuables. It also makes it easy to salvage items. Therefore, when you notice a power hitch, disconnect every electrical appliance and system from the power inlets.

Additionally, you need to store food properly. For example, in flood-prone areas, pack dry foods in air-tight containers and place them in high places to avoid water contamination. Further, categorize foods in the refrigerator to lag their perishability. Food items such as milk, meats, and poultry can be frozen in thick ice to prolong their shelf-life.

Revisit the Insurance Details: Having an in-depth understanding of your home insurance policy acts as a map on which repairs or replacements to perform. Additionally, you need to understand the most common disasters in your region of residence. That way, you can make the best choice of which insurance to purchase. 

It’s not easy to conceptualize something happening to your home, but it is better to plan ahead to prevent wreckage than to pick up the pieces. If you’re a new homeowner with Georgia Coast Homes, make sure you’re implementing a few disaster preparedness tips today! 

By Stephanie James

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